Because a Family’s Love Is Good Medicine
FOFH-IL is recognized by the Fisher House Foundation as the official sustaining, local non-profit group for the Hines VA Fisher House. To lend a hand, please send donations to FOFH-IL online or complete the form provided and mail with contribution.
Non-profit, fully volunteer Friends of Fisher House – Illinois (FOFH-IL) is dedicated to helping support Illinois’ only "home away from home" on Hines VA Hospital grounds. This Fisher House provides free lodging for as long as necessary for military families during medical crises. At this “comfort home,” they can be close to loved ones during hospitalization for an illness, disease or injury. This program is meeting a humanitarian need beyond that normally provided by the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs.
In addition to free accommodations, FOFH-IL has pledged to provide all special needs for military families, including groceries and beverages for all meals during their stays.
FOFH-IL also supports maintenance of the Hines VA Fisher House with the necessary janitorial cleaning supplies, paper goods and detergents. In this role, we also serve as a conduit for organizations and individuals mounting drives to gather supplies and groceries for the military family guests. We invite you to join us via any of the many avenues we offer to continue providing this vital humanitarian support completely free of charge for every
military family.
In this way, we can help repay in some measure the tremendous hardships and sacrifices our military families make to preserve our freedom and safety.