Events at and for the
Friends of Fisher House IL
Purchase your Holiday Treats and
Give Back to our Veterans.
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The employees at Diageo presented the Friends of Fisher House Illinois a Holiday Check for $1000

Ryan Companies US Inc and their employees presented Friends of Fisher House- Illinois with a donation of $18,050 at The Hines Fisher House Thursday, October 17th.
Jaclyn Cook, Office Administrator' and Scott Petiprin - Project Executive, were on hand to present Diane Kelley President of Friends of Fisher House- Illinois checks collected from employees, venders and management of Ryan Companies .
With the other donations and the Ryan Companies matching, we are planning about $40,000 this year to donate to Friends of Fisher House-Illinois.
Topping Off Ceremony
Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center North Chicago, Illinois
The final beam was placed on the entranceway of the 100th Fisher House located at the Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center (Lovell FHCC) in North Chicago, IL during a “Topping Off” Ceremony.
This comfort home will support families receiving care at Lovell FHCC, which offers a wide range of health, support, and facility services for Veterans, military members and their families in northeastern Illinois and southeastern Wisconsin.
Families stay at no-cost while their service member or Veteran is receiving medical care. You can help build this home away from home by donating or hosting your own fundraising event. The Road to 100 Fisher Houses continues!

Gone But Not Forgotten (GBNF) Memorial Tournament
At the Saturday, September 7th: Gone But Not Forgotten (GBNF) Memorial Tournament, we were honored to host the GBNF Memorial Tournament, featuring both men’s and women’s softball divisions.
This event was organized in memory of Clyde S. Brandenburger and Paul F. Amedio, both of whom proudly served in Vietnam. GBNF, a 501(c)(3) organization, is dedicated to supporting military families in need. At the tournament, a donation to support the 100th Fisher House at Captain James A. Lovell FHCC was presented.
A heartfelt thank you to Keith Brandenburger and your entire staff for an amazing, fun-filled day at the ballpark. We are deeply grateful for your generous donation to the 100th Fisher House at Captain James A. Lovell FHCC.